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New Years is such an inspiring time - it’s all about new beginnings and letting go of the things that don’t serve us anymore. Here are 3 ways to help set the tone for the next 12 months!

#1 Declutter

Getting ready for the next chapter is easier when you let go of things that you don’t need anymore. Donate old decor that no longer accentuates your style and remove things that don’t have positive memories attached to them. If it doesn’t bring you joy or serve a purpose, there is no need to let it take space.

#2 Smudge your home

Burning white sage has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal and antioxidant effects that help purify the air in your home. Sage might also fight against memory loss and depression… not to mention it’s a beautiful smelling incense! To smudge your home, light a sage bundle and go around your house paying extra attention to corners, closets, and bathrooms.

#3 Set your intention

Sit up tall, gently close your eyes, and take a deep breath in. Don’t be afraid to take space. What were the accomplishments that made you the most proud this year? What were the biggest lessons and what did you learn from them? What is your intention for the next chapter? How can you honor yourself more in the upcoming year?

The seeds that you plant now will bloom throughout the year. While we can’t control the hurdles life throws at us, we can control our reaction and the energy we carry with us through the journey!

Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.
— Robin Sharma

aloha vibes


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