pear and blue cheese galette

Galettes are freeform pastry filled with delicious toppings with the edges roughly folded over to hold them in creating a beautiful rustic looking tart! Savory galettes make a great brunch item, and these toppings will give it a wonderful creative twist!

Raw honey vs “regular” honey

This galette is finished by drizzling honey on top - when picking your honey you should know that the difference between raw honey and “regular” honey is that raw honey is only filtered before it’s bottled, which lets it keep all the antioxidants and other wonderful nutrients it naturally has. While raw honey is definitely the healthier option since it’s not processed it may contain spores of Clostridium botulinum, which can cause botulism poisoning and lead to life-threatening paralysis. Raw honey is especially dangerous for small children and should never be given to babies under one.

How to make a galette?

Now let’s get baking! Whisk together 1 1/2 cups of flour and the salt and put it in a food processor. Add half of the cubed butter and pulse 4 times, then add in rest of the butter and blend for about 20 seconds. Pour in rest of the flour and blend for 15 more seconds. Move the dough in a medium bowl and knead in water and vodka until well combined. Form a small disk and wrap it with plastic, then refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Meanwhile over very low heat, melt butter in a cast iron pan. Add oil and a pinch of salt and sugar, and then sliced onions. Cook for about an hour until golden brown and tender. Set aside to cool. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place parchment paper on a counter top and the cold dough disk in the middle of it. Roll the dough out into large circle about 1cm (2/5”) thick, and then brush it with egg white. Add the cooked onions in the middle and evenly spread them around, but leave about 5cm (2”) of the border empty to fold at the end. Then neatly place pear slices on top of the onions, and lastly add desired amount of blue cheese on top. Fold the blank border in over the toppings, lightly pressing down to make it stay. Then use egg wash to brush the border. Carefully transfer the galette on an upside down cookie sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes until golden. Let the galette cool for 10 minutes and then garnish with chopped walnuts, arugula, prosciutto, and little bit of honey.


  • In this dough recipe the vodka is used to break down some of the gluten to create a flakier crust, if you do not wish to use alcohol or don’t have any on hand just use water!

  • Refrigerate the dough for at least an hour before making the galette. It can also be made ahead and frozen - just let it thaw in the refrigerator when ready to use.

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