
Making bagels from scratch only requires a handful of ingredients and you most likely already have everything in your pantry. This recipe yields 8 deliciously chewy New York style bagels in less than 3 hours! No need for overnight rise or complex ingredients in the dough - which leaves more room for creative toppings. Making homemade bagels couldn’t be easier and you will never go back to store bought bagels again!

History of Bagels

Bagels wholesome history goes back all the way to medieval Poland! Because of their round shape it was believed that they had magical powers and brought good luck. Bagels were often given as a gift for women during child birth to bring them luck and to symbolize a long life. The first written record of a ring-shaped bread that is boiled then baked is found in a 13th century Syrian cookbook. So how did New York of all places become famous for its bagels? You can thank Polish-Jewish immigrants for it!

How to make bagels?

The hardest part about making this recipe is waiting for the dough to rise - but unlike some other recipes that take 12+ hours, the wait time with this recipe is much shorter without compromising any of the flavor!

To start sprinkle yeast and sugar on top of warm water. Then in a separate bowl mix together salt and flour and create a small well in the middle. Once the yeast has a foam top pour it in the well along with 1/3 cup of warm water. Mix together and pour in the remaining 1/2 cup of water. Knead for 10 minutes and form into a neat ball. Humidity and weather can affect the dough - if your dough feels dry add a few tablespoons of warm water. The dough should feel smooth and elastic. Lightly oil a large bowl and flip the dough ball in it coating it evenly with the oil. Cover with a damp kitchen towel and let it rise for 1 hr 20min, until doubled in size. Then gently but firmly punch the dough down and let it rise for another 15 minutes. Cut the dough ball into 8 even pieces. Roll each piece into a neat ball, tucking the edges on the bottom creating a smooth top. Gently roll the balls against the table with your palm, then make a hole in the middle with your finger and stretch it to about 5cm. Place the dough rings on a lightly oiled baking sheet. Cover and let rise for 15 minutes. Meanwhile bring water to boil. For chewy New York style bagels boil the rings for 2 minutes on each side - if you prefer less chew boil for only 1 minute on each side. The boiling is what gives bagels their signature chew. Then brush the bagels with an egg. For plain bagels the egg brush gives a beautiful golden hue and shine, and with toppings it works almost like glue keeping them intact during the baking. Some of my favorite toppings are jalapeno cheddar and everything bagel seasoning! After baking let the bagels cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes before digging in!


  • For a neat presentation, tuck the edges of each ball under towards the center until the top of the ball is smooth. Then gently massage the dough ball against a counter top until it holds it shape. Then poke a hole through the center with your finger and stretch it into a 5cm circle.

  • When boiling the bagels start with top down first.

  • Don’t skip the egg wash - even if not using toppings it will give the bagels a beautiful golden shine. With toppings it will work like glue holding them to the bagel and preventing them from sliding off in the oven.

  • Pile topping towards the center and gently press them down to keep the from slipping off in the oven, especially cheese.

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