you are the creator of your own reality

Imagine being in a dark room with a flashlight as the only light source. There is stacks of money and beautiful things all around the room but there is also things that look scary. You choose what you will point your light to and see. What you focus on is your reality.

Your energy is valuable and you are in control of what will magnify in your life. Have you ever noticed when you outgrow certain groups of people you stop running into them? That’s because your energy shifted and you are no longer on the same vibrational level. Your perception is your reality which is why it’s important to get to know yourself and pay attention to your inner dialogue. You are in control of your experience on this planet.

Law of increase works by magnifying everything in your life that you put focus on. You manifest your own cycle, don’t underestimate your own power and slip into a victim mode. Universe sends small gifts throughout our journey and the more of them you notice and greet with gratitude the more will appear into your life! Our brains are wired to confirm our beliefs and if you believe good things will come your brain will notice more opportunities and gifts universe sends!

simple ways to uplift your vibration

  • Surround yourself with people that inspire you. The energy you surround yourself with matters!

  • Take care of yourself. Take 15 minutes a day to do a small workout, add a skin care routine to your evenings. Small daily self care habits will prove your brain you are worth taking care of. Valuing yourself will subconsciously make you surround yourself with people that recognize your value and respect your boundaries as well.

  • Try the thing you have been wanting to try to create new opportunities!

  • Take on a creative project such as writing a novel or knitting a blanket that you have dreamed of doing but felt intimidated by. If you can dream it you can do it!

  • Start keeping a journal to better understand yourself. Keep the main focus on things you feel gratitude for.

  • You attract the same energy you put out so pay attention to it.

  • Stop taking things personally. Other people’s choices have nothing to do with you - we are all here having our own experience!


falafel with goddess hummus


kiwi meringue pie