glowing & growing

You glow different when you are happy. With the long, dark days it’s easy to lose focus and let the stagnant energy set in. Self care is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and it’s important to remind yourself that you are worthy of love and deserve to be taken care of. Here are some ways to release stagnant energy and create an environment that feels inspiring!

just me, myself, and I

Get to know yourself again. We change through life and different experiences create shadows in our personalities we often either ignore or don’t take the time to understand about ourselves. Getting to know and understand our personalities and triggers is important for a healthy relationship with ourselves and others. Journaling is a great way to understand your own feelings and helps to identify what triggers you. Once you understand your triggers you can control your reactions. One of the best skills in life is the ability to remain calm and be able to analyze the situation with a clear mind instead of acting out of emotion. As we change through life so do our wants and needs. Give yourself permission to let go of things that no longer serve you. Shadow work journal is a great workbook to identify your shadows and work through hidden areas within yourself.

know your worth, then add tax

You’re worth investing in! By taking care of yourself you are also teaching others how to love you. Self care rituals and romanticizing the little things in life will train your brain to look for the good things in life and feeling gratitude in what you already have. This will create a sense of inner peace and happiness. Dress up and decorate your avatar in ways that you find beautiful rather than trying to keep up with the latest trends to fit in. Life is your perception of it, trying to impress other people is a waste of the experience you have been given. Treat yourself with the same respect and kindness you would treat your best friend with.

make room for what brings you joy today

Our environment matters. Everything is energy and it’s important to pay attention to what kind you invite in. I believe deep cleaning and decluttering our homes is essential to remove stagnant energy from our lives. Your home is your place of rest and it should reflect it. Do your decorations reflect to your current tastes? Are you holding onto things you outgrew? Love is movement and inspiration, holding onto stagnant energy will create an environment that doesn’t feel sacred. Let yourself let go of things that no longer serve you or bring you happiness. This extends to relationships as well. As we learn to love ourselves we learn to set boundaries. By respecting yourself and setting firm boundaries you set a certain standard for the people around you. You are not high maintenance just because someone else is low effort. Show yourself love by creating an environment that inspires and empowers you!


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