desert dust & wanderlust

Zion National Park is one of the most stunning places I have ever been to! The wild west setting makes you feel like you are in a movie - it sounds like a cliche but the pictures really didn’t do it justice. This time we only had a day to spend here during our road trip and we are definitely planning a trip back to this amazing area. We drove through the national park and hiked the Emerald Falls trail which was absolutely breathtaking.

After the hike we had planned a relaxing date at the Mystic Hot Springs in Monroe, UT, just a few hours away from Zion.

When you first pull up to the hot springs you will see school busses that have been turned into rooms and peacocks strolling around everywhere. To get to the hot springs you walk up a small hill where you will see the large pools, and when you keep going up to the next level you will find the tubs over looking the small town of Monroe. What I loved the most about these hot springs is that each tub/pool is different temperature so you can switch pools depending whether you want to get a warmer soak or cool off a bit. The mineral water comes up at 168F (75C) and flows into the tubs between 92-102F (33-38C).

Even though this was a short trip for us we were blown away by the beauty of the state and how kind everyone there is! When we go back to Zion we still have the Subway and Narrows on our bucket list (they were closed due to flash floods while we were visiting).

If you are planning a trip to Utah you will have an amazing time exploring this beautiful state!


potato soup

