be there for yourself

I used to be a chronic people pleaser that would always put more weight on other peoples opinions than my own and had hard time setting boundaries, does that sound relatable? But one thing I’ve learned is that happiness is an inside job and it looks different to everyone.

If you move through life comparing your journey to everyone elses and lack confidence in your own decisions and who you are as a person you will be unhappy and lost. No one knows who you are but you, and no one else knows what’s best for you but you. And to be completely real, one thing I’ve realized as I’ve gotten older is that no one really knows what’s going on or what we are doing here. We are all just doing our best with the information we have, so stay in your lane and focus on building your own empire. You are the only person that has power in your life so don’t give it away. You are fully capable and can achieve anything you want!

Focusing on yourself also means setting standards for the people you surround yourself with. Would your higher self settle for a relationship that offers instant gratification with attention but doesn’t make you feel truly understood? Periods of isolation are a blessing and give us a chance to recenter and refocus our energy. These phases also help us get to know ourselves better, which will help you understand your own wants and needs more. Once you understand what you want, get up and give it to yourself. Take the steps you know you need to take instead of living your life passively and wasting your time on things that in the end have no value to you. When you don’t need anyone else to fill your cup for you, you stop chasing the wrong people and start attracting people who are in the same vibrational level. Surrounding yourself with people that inspire you to be better and genuinely care about you is in my opinion one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. Even if you don’t currently have that in your life it just means that this is the time to work on yourself so you are a vibrational match for the relationships you want to attract.

We are all in different timelines and nothing blooms year round. You never know what someone isn’t sharing about their journey, and if you find yourself keeping people around for low vibrational reasons cut them out as a favor to yourself and try think of the why. Everyone in the end is a reflection of ourselves, so if you find yourself to be jealous of someone your subconscious is actually showing you something you want but think you can’t have. When you find yourself feeling this way you now have acknowledged this subconscious want and can turn your thoughts from low vibrational to high by taking the feeling in as inspiration instead. Feeling inspired by others will make you thrive and will help you create meaningful and positive relationships with others which is what we all want deep down, right?

Let your soul taste the magic of your own love!

Discover & heal your shadows 

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